Ep 35. Kevin Bacon

Ep 35. Kevin Bacon

Take a peek at the show business lexicon and you’re not likely to find the word “guaranteed”; if you do, it’s a misprint. Kevin Bacon knew he wanted to be an actor before he even knew what the word meant, and after scoring a string of iconic films almost right off the bat, his success as a leading man seemed assured. That is, until a couple of missteps guaranteed it was most assuredly not. Even a budding pop idol is only as good as his last project, right? But if you’re smart and/or incapable of doing anything but what you were born to do, you take a few knocks, loosen your grip on your self-image and get back to doing what you do best. In Bacon’s case, his work in films like JFK, Mystic River and Cop Car demonstrate his specialty is making even the most difficult characters not only human, but sympathetic – for brilliant proof, watch The Woodsman and be prepared to find yourself rooting for a pedophile. If Bacon’s career is a textbook example of how the business of illusion can often disillusion, at least he’s learned a few lessons along the way: 1. Sometimes you do need some stinkin’ advice; 2. Sometimes your biggest hurdle is your own definition of success; 3. Sometimes it’s wise to accept unsolicited Christmas gifts from strangers you meet on a beach; and 4. Always put yourself at artistic risk – just be sure to bring a guitar tuner.

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Ep 35. Kevin Bacon